Generate insights and increase sales
using your customer data

Fuel better decision making, sales and fatter profit margins

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Sync your favorite tools in minutes

Focus on the data that’s most important without bothering your data analyst

Conversational AI
Get answers via chat
Create reports, explore data, and answer questions 20x faster.
Drill into your insights
Create segments & gather feedback
Aggregate all of your feedback in one place to automatically get insights.
Detect patterns & anomalies
Automatically spot anomalies, correlations, and trends in your data.
Predict future performance
Run analysis on what demand you will have and which discounts you should make.

Tailored-made solutions for each department

Business users

Ask ad hoc questions, design your own reports and uncover hidden opportunities.


Get deeper insights 10x faster and eliminate your BI and reporting backlog.

Data experts

Accelerate analytics process with unified AI and visualizations.

Transform your unstructured data into critical insights that boost your growth

Sync all your data in minutes

Collect your customer data from all your sources and and let Omniloy automtatically organise and make sense of your data.

Know what, why, and how faster

Dig deeper to easily understand key drivers for business behaviors. Convert leads, upsell/cross-sell and reduce churn.

Push data back to your favorite tools

Easily send data and alerts back to your preferred tools and apps. Automate workflows in minutes.

Drill down into deeper, more complex data points to reach our goals

Saved hours/week
Increase in sales
CLTV growth

Trusted by enterprise leaders

How it works

Connect all your data with two clicks
We will get real time read-only access, we don’t store your data.
Revise your AI definitions
Add your business definitions and let our brain create a consistent semantic layer for you to get insights.
Use our chat interface to ask and drill into any analysis
Our proprietary cognitive layer interprets your data and its relationships as you ask questions.
Create and share reports
Easily add graphs to your dashboards and share with your teammates.
Set your alerts and syncs
Receive notifications when a specific value is reached and sync info back to your tools.
Enterprise secure & compliant

Designed for data protection and security