Helping business teams own their performance

Uncover insights across all your data: 

Capture, manage and explore for data-driven decision making

Uncover insights across all your data

Reduce time-to-insight and make better decisions
Get answers
Ask Omni any question related to your business data

Increase your effectiveness in campaigns and targeted segments with more complete data analysis.

Explore & design
Create & share ad hoc reports

Save all of the tables, graphs and segments in minutes and share them with your teams. Forget about manual and tedious reporting.

Business scenario planning
Forecast and get insights

Accurately predict future outcomes, gain a deeper understanding of your customer’s feelings about your products, services, and brand.

Easily move data
Set alerts & sync info back to your tools

Deliver a dynamic omnichannel experience to your customers simple and easy, with every tool available in only one place.

True self-service for your entire team
Business users

Ask ad hoc questions, design your own reports and uncover hidden opportunities.


Get deeper insights 10x faster and eliminate your BI and reporting backlog.

Data experts

Accelerate analytics process with unified AI and visualizations.

Top Use Cases

Why Omniloy?

Your data belongs to you. We only need read access and do not share or train models on your data.
Easily explore, combine or analyz your data. Track, recompute and verify every single number.
Omniloy is your data analyst that never sleeps. Available 24/7 to dig into any piece of data.
Real-time Data
Answers are not only 100% consistent, but available in real time as you connect your diffente apps.

Contact Us

Enterprise secure & compliant

Designed for data protection and security